Learn about the different strategies to support the nutritional food security of families


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We drive the transformation of food systems within and beyond Colombia. To achieve this, we focus on generating systemic and sustainable changes, strengthening the empowerment of people – as agents of change – in the process of transforming their food environments. 

Recognizing that we are all responsible for our own well-being, we prioritize those social groups – women, children, youth, and indigenous communities – who have greater needs and, therefore, are most affected by inefficient global food environments and systems.


This is our unique model that promotes systemic change through healthy eating habits, leading families and communities to achieve food security and enhance their nutritional well-being, making them central social actors in the transformation of food systems.

To achieve this, we identify and support the development of agents of change that strengthen their abilities to share nutritional knowledge and create new insights, freely exercising their nutritional awareness development.


For Soydoy, an agent of change can be anyone with a strong interest in contributing to the positive social transformation of nutritional food security and eating habits in their environment. This means that every individual, regardless of their social, cultural, economic, or environmental determinants, has the potential to be an agent of change. We all have the potential to be food change agents.

Our Nutriempowerment model contributes to fostering habits aligned with the priorities of food systems, both in terms of health and nutrition (nutritional food security) and in alignment with the global economic situation and climate change.

This allows the transition from disconnected individuals and communities facing numerous challenges in their food systems to communities with strengthened social structures, led by proactive individuals capable of collectively and consensually addressing food security issues.

To achieve this, people actively engage in two types of activities that, in a practical and participatory way, enhance their knowledge and socio-emotional skills in nutrition, agroecology, and economic resource management: listening circles and experiential meetings.


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We address a complex issue such as food insecurity and its consequent malnutrition (a growing global concern) through a model that focuses on systemic and sustainable change. This is achieved through:





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